Student Accomplishments:
Judy Wagner builds consistency with another win

RSE student Judy Wagner is building consistency with another Casino win attributed to the application of the training she has received at RSE, put into practice in her life.
Here is Judy’s story in her own words:

“I won another Jackpot on Tuesday, October 8th, when I went to the Little Creek Casino. I was playing on a new machine called Fuji. I put $20 in the machine and my bet was $2. After a couple of spins, my net win amounted to $29. I then won the Bonus.
In the Bonus, I won a Jackpot of $1,237.00.
My total net profit was $1,266.00 (The photo only shows the gross amount of the Jackpot win).

I am not “trying” to win, but learning to step aside and allow my God to come forward.
I am in a State of Surrender and Acceptance.

It is difficult for me to describe how I reach this state, but I can tell you through practice utilizing the disciplines taught at RSE is where I learned such surrender.

On my List is “I have always been a winner”. (Driving to the Casino, I confirm this over and over again in my mind.) I move into a relaxed focus, not in lack but allowing the win to come and having a light heart. I asked the machine to give me more, a big win and it did.

I am so grateful for our school RSE, and for JZ and Ramtha.”

Judy’s previous documented wins:
Read more, August 8, 2013 win – $1,392.50 net

– Judy Wagner has won over $4,000 since the Realization Shop
Read more

– Judy & Don Wagner acknowledged by Red Wind Casino
Read more from February 14, 2013.

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