JZ Knight interviewed as “Who’s Who in the Nisqually Watershed” guest
Photo courtesy: Rory Sagner Photography.
Copyright © 2017. Used with permission.
A narrative of a wondrously grand life, 36 of 71 years dedicated in Yelm
Reported by Steve Klein in the Yelm Community Blog
Story Highlights
* ‘Who’s Who’ interviewer Steve Craig’s guest JZ Knight, July 5th, Yelm’s Triad Theater.
* JZ was asked about her life, her awareness, her vision for the world and our community.
* Best to hear about one’s life experiences directly from the source and Knight was stellar.
* Knight’s profound insights provide a glimpse into her truly great mind, truly grand life.
* Knight loves having her home here and added, “Like it or not, I am an artifact of Yelm.”
* JZ is proud of all who moved here, said Yelm will thrive if citizen diversity is embraced.
* Knight’s resounding message: “Anytime you worry, you are squandering your life. We are here to make ‘known the unknown,’ as dreamers, as creators adding to the whole of human continuity.”