JZ Knight interviewed as “Who’s Who in the Nisqually Watershed” guest

Photo courtesy: Rory Sagner Photography.
Copyright © 2017. Used with permission.

A narrative of a wondrously grand life, 36 of 71 years dedicated in Yelm

Reported by Steve Klein in the Yelm Community Blog

Story Highlights
* ‘Who’s Who’ interviewer Steve Craig’s guest JZ Knight, July 5th, Yelm’s Triad Theater.
* JZ was asked about her life, her awareness, her vision for the world and our community.
* Best to hear about one’s life experiences directly from the source and Knight was stellar.
* Knight’s profound insights provide a glimpse into her truly great mind, truly grand life.
* Knight loves having her home here and added, “Like it or not, I am an artifact of Yelm.”
* JZ is proud of all who moved here, said Yelm will thrive if citizen diversity is embraced.
* Knight’s resounding message: “Anytime you worry, you are squandering your life. We are here to make ‘known the unknown,’ as dreamers, as creators adding to the whole of human continuity.”

Read the full story here!


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