Congratulations to Our RSE Student Authors from Italy: Daniela Piccolo and Giorgia Zattoni

“The Night of Enchantment” by Daniela Piccolo

The Night of Enchantment has been written to exalt the beauty and the greatness of all women and has been inspired and dedicated to the hero of our time, JZ Knight who has reawakened the consciousness of thousands of women.”

— Daniela Piccolo

The Night of Enchantment

Available Here

“My name is Daniela Piccolo and I have been an RSE student since 2004.

“The Night of Enchantment is a dream that has become reality, literally.

“Writing has always been one of my greatest passions, but because of the doubts of my personality and the fear of criticism that would not allow my deepest creative self to emerge, I was forced to put aside the only thing that made me feel good and gave me great joy.

“I had the inspiration for the story narrated in this book approximately 7 years ago, at which time I began to write down the first impressions and visions that came to me. But at that point, I was too busy and exhausted both physically and emotionally with regards to all the changes my life was facing (I was moving from the town I lived and worked in to Sportilia/Spinello, where I actually live now). And so I closed the book along with my dream in a drawer, hoping I could return to it someday.

“At the end of 2014 I received all the runners I needed that made me understand it was time to wake up the genius in me and pull the project back out in order to complete it. The Magic Book would always open to the same extraordinary message: “You will be the happiest in this life when you do what you want to do. You will be successful in what you desire to do, for you love what you do. How can you fail at one thing that pleases you so greatly?”

“During my candle focus I clearly heard the name of the second character in the book and throughout all of the disciplines, the story I was to narrate was becoming clearer in my mind: I was in the process of becoming my own words.

“Furthermore, one fine morning, upon opening the Magic Book to a page at random, my eyes fixed on few powerful words by Ramtha: “Write your own book”.

“I enjoyed all the time I spent in the process of creating my book:  I experienced the presence, the infinite possibilities living in each one of us, the excitement to simply follow my inspiration and my great passion without any interference. All those things and more I learned at RSE: I wish to express once again my infinite gratitude to JZ and my beloved Master Teacher Ramtha for their extraordinary teachings. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

“A deep thanks to the students who worked with me to see the book published: Giorgia Zattoni (Illustrator), Sophia Kountzeri (Editing and English Revision), Giovanna Carotti.”

“This book is now available at the Quantum Café and on Amazon in English and Italian

— Daniela Piccolo (author)


“On February 2015 I received a call from Daniela during which she spoke about her beautiful project, and to my great surprise she asked me to do the illustrations for the book.

“I was honored by her request, yet momentarily doubted myself as being worthy to take on the task I’d been given, seeing as I had not drawn for many years.

“I chose to see her proposal as a challenge to myself and an opportunity to overcome my fears.

“While I was reading the book, page after page, I realized that the story was a perfect runner for me and it was going to be an inspiration for many other women.

“The idea that every reader could identify herself in the protagonist, motivated and pushed me to represent the figures from behind or with their face hidden, to better express Anastasia’s – Morgana’s journey into the inner mind. Each of us is that unique and special entity waiting to emerge: it doesn’t have one face but it is the face of all awakened women.

“I thank Daniela for believing in my abilities and for showing me how powerful and creative collaboration between women striving in a united goal can be. Thanks to Sophia and Giovanna for their cooperation and support.

“And thanks to JZ and Ramtha for having inspired us to apply our genius and our creativity.”

— Giorgia Zattoni (illustrator)

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