Headline News: “Retired priest: ‘Hell’ was invented by the church to control people with fear”

Both JZ Knight and Ramtha have said and taught passionately for decades that the true God and creator of all life has never judged anyone but loved us into life, and that “hell” exists only in the minds of men and women who insist to believe in it. You can read more about this in:

Ramtha, The White Book

Ramtha, Love Yourself into Life

and JZ Knight, A State of Mind — My Story

Retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong. Report by, July 2, 2015

Watch the video interview with retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong with Keith Morrison of Dateline NBC back in August of 2006.

“I don’t think Hell exists. I happen to believe in life after death, but I don’t think it’s got a thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in a guilt-producing control business. And if you have Heaven as a place where you’re rewarded for you goodness, and Hell is a place where you’re punished for your evil, then you sort of have control of the population. And so they create this fiery place which has quite literally scared the Hell out of a lot of people, throughout Christian history. And it’s part of a control tactic.”

“People don’t need to be born again. They need to grow up. They need to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world.”

– Retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong

Read Full Article Here


Ramtha, The White Book

Ramtha, Love Yourself into Life

JZ Knight, A State of Mind — My Story







Posted: February 13th, 2016 - Featured Articles, JZ Knight, News Headlines, Ramtha

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