NVN: “Ramtha Advises How to Prepare for Aliens”
– “Newly Revised Book on UFOs Released by Purported 35,000-Year-Old Warrior”
From Steven Wyble in the Nisqually Valley News, March 5, 2015:
Ramtha, the purported 35,000-year-old Lemurian warrior turned spiritual teacher channeled by Yelm resident JZ Knight, has released a newly revised and expanded edition of a book about UFOs.
“UFOs and the Nature of Reality, Preparing for Contact,” is available for purchase at www.ramtha.com for $24.95.
A press release from JZK, Inc., states that recent comments from high level Russian and American leaders have renewed interest in UFOs.
According to the release, “John Podesta, former senior adviser to President Obama, said in February his greatest regret was denying the American public about the truth regarding UFOs. Also in February, it was revealed that (former) Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev planned to warn President Obama ‘the time has come’ for the Kremlin to tell the truth about aliens and if needed, Russia ‘will do so on its own.’”
“The renewed attention about UFOs makes it a perfect time for the release of the book,” the release states.
Read more from the Nisqually Valley News and Click here to read the entire story.
Click here to purchase your copy of Ramtha’s:
“Understanding Alien Consciousness, Interdimensional Mind, and the Future That Awaits the Human Race”
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