Maria Clara Leman addresses critics of RSE as a Hispanic
Maria Clara Leman
In her own words –
Yelm-area student Maria Clara Leman shares her views on the charges by critics of Hispanic intolerance at RSE:
“My name is María Clara Leman,
I was born and raised in Colombia and I am proud to say that I have been part of the Hispanic community that attends RSE since 1995. The knowledge that I have gained at RSE I could have not obtained at any university in the world and that is why I decided to write this letter.
It has become very clear that the group of people that have decided to attack JZ Knight and RSE are doing it based on pure ignorance. Apparently they seem to forget how much JZ and RSE have contributed to this community and it is time for them to get the facts right.
As a Hispanic I have never been discriminated against at RSE, on the contrary I have always been treated with love and respect and I am who I am today thanks to what I have learned at RSE.
So to those that insist in attacking RSE I just have to say: ‘Live and let live.'”