From JZ Knight: “I Thought You Should Know”

JZ Knight addresses Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment students, November 7, 2013

JZ Knight’s exchange with Nisqually Valley News (NVN) Sports Editor Tyler Huey was published and released in their print edition Thursday, April 17, in response to his opinion column.
“You should know and be glad you attended Fresh Air II and what you have been taught at RSE about physics.”


To read JZ’s letter in the NVN, click here.

Dear NVN Editor,

Sports Editor Tyler Huey’s April 4th column said “Belief Is a Powerful Asset for Everyone,”
and that “The notion of Ramtha being real seems silly” and that “Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) appears to be a cult.”
In correspondence with one of my staff, Huey said, “No credible scientists believe the assertions taught of quantum physics,
and how one can literally predict the future and change your reality.”

Yet he received a published paper link to the American Society for Psychical Research co-written by the then-foremost leading parapsychology researcher in the US, Dr. Stanley Krippner, describing how I allowed him to conduct 3 PUBLIC tests on my body in 1997 to demonstrate if science supported my channeling Ramtha was authentic. Who would allow that public testing to occur if not genuine? Krippner publicly said “[JZ Knight] is not a fraud,”

Huey was also shown quotes from two of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th Century about the validity of quantum physics taught at RSE:

1. “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.”
Max Planck, one of the founders of quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

2. “The first person to suggest that quantum theory implies that reality is created by human consciousness was not some crank on the fringes of physics, but the eminent mathematician John von Neumann.
In his quantum bible [Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik or The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics] …, the most influential book on quantum theory ever written, von Neumann concludes that, from a strictly logical point of view, only the presence of consciousness can solve the measurement problem.”
Physicist Nick Herbert

I asked Huey if in his opinion there is no scientific basis for Ramtha, then what is his opinion on creationism, the talking snake story in Genesis
and that the world according to Christian belief is only 6,000 years old?
Where is the scientific basis for these stories?
And, how DID Cane & Abel have children? Who did they marry?

He responded, “I do not believe in the talking snake story; I do not believe in God; I do not believe the universe, living organisms, etc., originated from divine creation; I believe in evolution and science; I believe anyone who thinks the Earth is 6,000 years old is like an ostrich who sticks its head in the sand, follows a book that was written thousands of years ago, and ignores modern-day facts that have disproven many things they believe to be true. Perhaps I am wrong on some accounts, but that is what I believe.”

I said,
“Great answer.
And we let folks believe whatever they choose,
even in talking snakes and a 6,000 year old earth”.
That you and your newspaper solicit community debate is an important role in fostering understanding in our community.
I acknowledge Sports Editor Huey for his views on science supporting the knowledge of our world today. And, on this we agree:
“Belief Is a Powerful Asset for Everyone.”

JZ Knight

UPDATE: April 19, 2014
This was posted on the Ramtha Facebook page today:
The Yelm newspaper’s Assistant Editor Tyler Huey stated in his opinion column his thoughts about Ramtha & the curriculum at RSE. Huey said he relies on science and after he received scientific documentation to dispel his assertions about RSE, JZ Knight questioned and encouraged him to stand-up for what he does believe.

Shouldn’t a newspaper reporter be challenged when using the “power of the pen” in their position of influence when they make statements on something they have never experienced?
[Mr. Huey has never attended an RSE event, however after their e-mail exchange, JZ invited him to a Beginning Event as her guest.]

JZ sent her e-mailer again today so you can read in this light, her letter now posted on the newspaper’s website and is important for your review.
Click here

Posted: April 17th, 2014 - Featured Articles, JZ Knight, News Headlines, Ramtha, RSE

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