Student Accomplishments:
Dr. Louie Enos applied the teachings to heal a dog
“Shiva” – Before & After
“A dog’s last breaths, totally paralyzed, but is healed!”
By Dr. Louie Enos,D.V.M.
“I have been a practicing equine specialist veterinarian since 1977, now going on 37 years. I began with a successful equine surgery practice in Eastern Washington. Since coming to see Ramtha over 29 years ago, I have been able to evolve myself personally and understand the knowledge of true healing, by healing many personal attitudes and disease. My learning fostered the contemplations and creation of an equine healing practice leaving traditional medical beliefs behind. I have centered my practice around the teachings and personal experience learned at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Through 25 years of practice and traveling coast to coast and in Europe, I was often faced with worst case scenarios to heal. As long as there is still a breath of life and will to live in the animal, I know it can be healed. My passion has always been to be the Master Healer!
On October 20, 2013, RSE students Jan Marie and Ron had their dog get critically injured after a severe tumbling by chasing a ball many times. The dog, a 12 year old Blue Heeler began to show difficulty walking in the front end and had progressed to where he couldn’t stand up! With no appetite, the dog got worse and was taken to a local veterinarian. On October 22nd, X-rays were taken. The diagnosis from a veterinarian neurologists was unclear other than to say the dog had pinched nerves and he may have to be put down. By the next day, the dog was totally paralyzed and couldn’t move!”
“I always had the passion as a doctor and RSE student to be a great Master Healer! In my Neighborhood Walk®, I have always commanded to be the Master Healer, a magical and miraculous healer of all attitudes and disease. I also add my patients or animals I am going to see that day and many times after I see them to my Neighborhood Walk®. I went home that night and begin to put the dog in my evening Neighborhood Walk® that he is always healed and continues to live and walk again!”
“A little more than 2 weeks after my initial visit, I saw him on Nov.13th. He was close to fully recovered, to where he was walking, trotting, jumping with a whole new healthier state and excited about life! I have followed up with further sessions, but I must say he has been one of the most willful dogs and determined to live I have had over the 25 years of doing my healing work! What I kept seeing and utilizing was his passion and desire to change and live. It so important to know and capitalize upon this mindful state for us to unify in consciousness and conquer it all!! What says it all is the dog is a Blue Heeler breed that I call now a “BLUE HEALER”! What is even more profound is that I have waited to reveal his real and divine name. I now introduce you none other than, ‘SHIVA’!!!
At this time, we decided it would be the opportune time to return to the veterinarian that last saw the dog and pay a visit. An appointment was scheduled and we took the vibrant and healed Shiva to see her. When I we walked in and met her she said, ‘You must be the miracle worker.’ I humbly bowed, said thank you, I accept! She was gracious and open enough to hear my explanation of the healing journey, with details in part; from initial quantum healing with frequency, along with hearing my healing process of simultaneous manipulation, while changing attitudes, to rewire to a part of the brain that can provide change and real healing. She listened intently, but seemed to be almost stunned and overwhelmed with the all the knowledge, literally taking her way out of her box. I told her all that I have learned comes from Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. She said, I know about that!”
“In closing, the opportunity to create and utilize Ramtha’s teaching in your life is one huge opportunity and story in itself; but to take the teachings and create a whole another paradigm of true healing is another. My healing work is called, EQUINE MANIPULATION THROUGH MIND™, but obviously always including canines and any other animal. I still travel coast to coast, offering knowledge, experience and wisdom of true healing to the world. Weather I am asked or not, I always reveal why I do what I do and know anything. Only due to Ramtha’s School, the Quintessential School of Mind!”
Dr. Louie Enos,D.V.M.
Read more of Dr. Enos’s amazing story in full.