Scientists: “Are we all PSYCHIC?” –
Ramtha on people who are psychic

Photo credit: Sci-Tech Today

– “Are we all PSYCHIC? Scientists believe that animals – including humans – have a collective consciousness”

“Behaviours found to spread throughout species seemingly telepathically
These behaviours were adopted among groups that had never met
This led scientists to believe they’re spread via a collective consciousness
Blue tits and macaques among species that share behaviours this way
Report in 2010 claimed to have proved humans have similar psychic skills
However, these claims have been dismissed some scientists in more recent reports”
By Victoria Woollaston in UK’s Daily Mail.
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– Ramtha: Being psychic is the self-willed, trance state
“‘The reason we get information ahead of time is because we have a pause in the frontal lobe, which means that the computer program isn’t running continuously in the neocortex. Someone has pushed the pause button on the neocortex. That causes a blank screen to appear in the frontal lobe. As soon as we have a blank screen, the brain automatically moves to the next level, which is always the midbrain. Then you will get a flash. In a moment you will see something. You will see it not with these eyes but see it with the brain. Remember, I told you that it is not the eyes that see; it is the brain that sees.’

Psychic people are psychic because they have developed an ability from early childhood to be still and quiet. A trance state is a self-willed state. The trance state means stilling or paralyzing the sensory perception in the neocortex. When you do, the next level opens up in the brain and you start to get information. How many of you understand? So be it. And is it possible to change precognitive experiences? Yes, it is.'”

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